Nel Parco "Villa Borghese"


Villa Borghese Park occupies a vast area in the heart of the city. The villa encloses within it buildings, sculptures, monuments and fountains, the work of illustrious artists of Baroque, neoclassical and eclectic art, surrounded by centuries-old trees, ponds, Italian-style gardens and large open spaces, created with great care.

The realization of the villa was entrusted by Cardinal Scipione Borghese, nephew of Pope Paul V, to Flaminio Ponzo and his pupil Giovanni Vasanzio, who was succeeded in 1621 by Girolamo Rainaldi. The arrangement of the gardens was the work of Domenico Savino da Montepulciano. The work desired by Scipione Borghese lasted from 1608 until 1633, the year of the Cardinal's death.

In the eighteenth century, the restoration and improvement works of Villa Borghese desired by Marcantonio Borghese and carried out by Antonio Asprucci and his son Mario primarily involved the Casino Nobile and, in later years, the park, where a system of symmetrical and perpendicular avenues was created with the neoclassical temples and Piazza di Siena.

In the nineteenth century, Camillo and Francesco Borghese enlarged the area of the park, and in 1903 the Villa was purchased by the Italian state and designated as a public park.

The most striking places in Villa Borghese are:

the Lake Garden where it is possible to rent small boats and admire, in the center of the body of water, the Temple dedicated to Aesculapius and, along the banks, the Sundial and the Fountain of the Family of Satyrs; the Secret Gardens (Garden of the Bird House, Old Garden, Garden of the Sundial and Garden of Cultivation) reconstructed on the basis of historical and iconographic documentation; Piazza di Siena named after the city of origin of the Borghese family, the site of the International Horse Competition, where events and concerts are held; the Casino Borghese del Vasanzio, in which the Borghese Gallery is housed; the Fortezzuola now home to the Museo Canonica; the ETRU Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia and the National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art; and the Deer Park.